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03 avril 2023

My African violets hybrids

Between 1966 and 1974, I grew and hybridized African violets. After 1974 I gave all my hybrids to the Montreal Botanical garden. Many leaves dissapered over the heavy visitors week-end. At that time, I have not taken pictures, living with a very poor income and 3 children, the first hybrid 'Bebe Christian' named after the youngest. I guess some amateurs from the African violet society of Montreal have some of my vaintage hybrids.

Text at https://avavs.com/Vintage_Canadian_African_Violets.pdf by Coon, Gordon R,  ttps://avavs.com/Vintage_Canadian_African_Violets.pdfhttps://avavs.com/Vintage_Canadian_African_Violets.pdf

Bebe Christian (Larochelle, Majella). 1970. Rose-pink medium single star semi-geneva edge. Moderate green flat round and semi-girl foliage. Standard. 

Bonne Annee (Larochelle). 1968. Pink rose large full double star. Light green pointed and hairy foliage. Miniature. 

Ernest Lou (Larochelle). 1974. (Lou series) Orchid-purple, top petals darker, medium double, semi- stars plain edge. Variegated, cordate, quilted and tailored foliage. Name after Ernest Fisher of Toronto. Large. 

Eva Sale (Larochelle). 1974. White, center tinged pink, large semi-double, star, light frills. Light green glossy and incise foliage. Miniature.

Floyd O. Chrysler (Larochelle). 1974. Rose purple shades, large loose double star, light frills. Moderate green and incise foliage. Standard.

Frills Rouge (Larochelle). 1970. Frilled blue wine red double chartreuse edge. Moderate green hairy and holly foliage. Standard.

Helen Lou (Larochelle). 1974. (Lou series). Spectrum violet, large single, semi-star, plain edge. Variegated and pointed foliage. Large. 

Jane Guevremont (Larochelle). 1974. Moderate pink double star, geneva edge. Moderate green quilted and tailored foliage. Name after the president of the Montreal African violet society. Miniature.
Jean Lou (Larochelle). 1974. (Lou series) Dark moorish blue, full double, almost star, plain edge. Variegated foliage. Standard. 

Lilian Lou (Larochelle). 1974. (Lou series) Violet-purple, medium single, semi-star, plain edge. Variegated foliage. Standard. 

My Lou (Larochelle). 1974. (Lou series) Pansy violet with darker tips, medium semi double, semi- star, plain edge. Variegated and incise foliage. Standard. 

Petite Lise (Larochelle). 1974. Moderate rose, center darker, medium double star, semi- geneva edge. Moderate green, cordated and glossy foliage. Miniature. 

Pierre Laporte (Larochelle). 1972. Magnolia purple medium semi-double semi-star. Moderate green quilted and incise foliage. Standard. 

Pommade (Larochelle). 1974. Phlox purple shades, medium semi-double, star, plain edge. Dark green, glossy and round foliage. Miniature

Sandra Lou (Larochelle). 1974. (Lou series). Aconite violet, medium semi-double, semi- star, plain edge. Variegated foliage. Standard. 

Sylvia Lou (Larochelle). 1974. (Lou series). Imperial purple, medium single, semi-star, plain edge. Variegated foliage. Large. 

Vera Lou (Larochelle). (1974). (Lou series) Violet, medium semi-double semi-star, plain edge. Variegated glossy and pointed foliage. Medium.

Violetterie (Larochelle). 1972. Light pink double star, semi-geneva edge. Light green quilted entire foliage. Standard


Methodology For the purpose of this list a vintage Canadian African violet is defined as an African violet developed by a Canadian hybridizer that is 25 years or older. 
We focused on the year the African violet was developed rather that the specific date. 
All African violets by Canadian hybridizers developed in 1982 are included in this list. Not all are registered with the AVSA. 

This list could not have been developed without the permission of Valerie Despres and her ground breaking work done in the preparation and publication on the Annapolis Valley African Violet Society (AVAVS) of “Canadian Hybridizers of African Violets (November 2006).”

1. Annapolis Valley African Violet Society (AVAVS) 
2. Despres,Valerie, “Canadian Hybridizers of AfricanViolets (November2006). First Class Program Version 2, cd, African Violet Society of America Inc. 

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